Sunday, 16 March 2014

On the doorstep of Spring

Typical rainy March weather and a brutal family-wide battle with a stomach flu were not enough to keep me from binge baking and getting garden work done.  I find sometimes it's best to just push on through when you feel at your worst.  I may have overdone it a little, but I'm happy with the results.

Homemade chicken stock.  A couple of carcasses easily made about 25 cups worth.

Apple Strudal Muffins.   A little more like dessert than a snack, but that's okay...the kids don't mind.

My first attempt at Challah Bread.  Turned out pretty well I think.  A full half of one of the loaves disappeared at breakfast the next morning.

Crocuses and Hellebores hiding in the shade in our backyard.

Hellebores.  A nice surprise, since I had no idea these were in the garden. 

Our Plum tree starting to bloom.

Late winter garlic looking strong.  There's at least 25-30 of these guys poking up in the garden.

Some beautiful Crocuses in the front yard.

And just above the crocuses, the Magnolia is starting to come out of hibernation.

I'm not sure what this beautiful plant is.  All I know is that it's attracted the first bees that I've seen in many months.

Daffodil just days from blooming.

Rose bush starting to come alive with tulips just beyond.

I finally got some garden beds set down!  It seems like every weekend that I've had an opportunity to get stuff done in the garden so far this year it's been pouring rain.  This weekend I decided to work out in the rain and just get it done.

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