Friday 15 August 2014

August 15, 2014

We are about to set out on our epic road trip to Alberta, so I figured I would get in a post before we left.  We weren't sure if the crab apples would all keep until we got back, so we made sure to get a batch of crab apple jelly done.  By the time we get return there could be some major changes in the garden.  I expect to come home to masses of ripened tomatoes and peppers, fat winter squashes, runner beans, and macintosh apples.  Thankfully we've got exceedingly helpful parents that will be looking after things while we are gone. 

Sam picking apples

Cass needed a bit of a boost

cutting, coring and snacking

even grandma helped out

boiled down

the juice

The finished product!!

melons in the greenhouse


Blue hubbard squash

Vegetable marrow squash

Our soon-to-be-massive pumpkin

Drying beans


Runner bean flowers in bloom.  A nice snack for the hummingbirds.
The last zucchini of the year.

This zucchini plant was huge and productive, but it was time for it to come out.

It's amazing how much space it took up in the bed.  Now there's room for the fall broccolis and cabbages to grow.

Brussel Sprouts and sprouting broccoli